Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Puerto Morelos Calendar in the works!

There is a 2012 Puerto Morelos Calendar in the works, and it's a great Community Project!!

Fellow Puerto Morelians Michael Maurus, Marco Riha and their photography team have been snapping shots of Puerto Morelos women.  Various women, from various walks, with various stories will be featured in a collection of photos in their 2012 Visiones/Insights Calendar.

Without letting too much "out of the bag" before it's big premiere... Laura Lecchi, my business partner, and I have the honor of being featured!

Niza Mendoza working her make up magic on Laura
Applying her Make up Mojo

It's a Wrap!

Michael Maurus is an incredibly talented photographer who hails from Germany.  His talents extend into many forms of photography: weddings, models, architecture, and products.  Check out his porfolio on his website!  He was a true pleasure to work with!

Long-time Puerto Morelian Marco Riha is Austrian, a fantastic guide, and owner of KOOL TOURS.  He is the Art Director of the calendar project and was also extremely helpful on the shoot.

They have combined their creative talents, humor, and sense of community to pull this outstanding community project together!

A portion of the proceeds from each calendar sale will support 3 great, local, Puerto Morelos Community Assets: Casa de la Cultura Community Center, El Mundo Para Puerto Morelos Charity, and the Waldorf Kindergarten on Calle 8.!!!

Hint, Hint:  They make great Christmas Gifts!!

Do you want a calendar ?  Of course you do!!

The real question is -- How many??  They are of limited supply --- when they are gone, they are gone!

You can pre-order one from us!  Your pre-order must be received by December 15th.  If you are interested in reserving you a calendar, please complete the Pre-Order Form below:

Twitter and Facebook Readers can view the original post and leave comments at: PuertoMorelosBlog.com.

Amber Pierce-Schulz is the Broker/Owner of Mayan Riviera Properties, specializing in Puerto Morelos Real Estate and Puerto Morelos Vacation Rentals. We are members of AMPI and Federally Certified Realtors.