Thursday, December 22, 2011

Puerto Morelian Spotlight: Photographer Michael Maurus

I have had the absolute pleasure of getting to know fellow Puerto Morelian, Michael Maurus, through the experience of being photographed by him and his talented lens for the 2012 Puerto Morelos Calendars.

Michael Maurus is a fantastic, award-winning photographer and has an amazing story to share.  Hailing from Germany, his recent exit from the "rat race" landed him in a hut living amongst the Mayan for six months.  Now, he has landed in Puerto Morelos!

Read Michael's story of how "the bubble called Puerto Morelos welcomed me with open hearts".  He was kind enough to assemble this amazing article when I invited him to share his Puerto Morelos Story as a part of our "Puerto Morelian Spotlight" article series.  His Puerto Morelos experience -- and the photos he has included -- are NOT to be missed!

By the way, Michael's 2012 Puerto Morelos Calendars HAVE ARRIVED at a local Puerto Morelos stores!  Be sure to pick one up!  You'll be supporting local businesses and various Puerto Morelos Community Programs when you do!!

Some time ago, I invited fellow Puerto Morelians to share their story with us here on the blog.  I think it will be a great way to get to know the people, businesses, and charities that are here in town.  This continuing collection will be titled "Puerto Morelian Spotlight".  Each of the posts will have this title and will have this tag, so that you can easily search for these posts in this blog.

So...(here comes the plea):  If you have a Puerto Morelos story, great recount of your favorite event, want to tell about your favorite watering hole, have a local business, even a great Puerto photo that you'd like to share, please email me.

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Amber Pierce-Schulz is the Broker/Owner of Mayan Riviera Properties, specializing in Puerto Morelos Real Estate and Puerto Morelos Vacation Rentals. We are members of AMPI and Federally Certified Realtors.