Remember that the PGA Golf Tournament, the OHL Mayakoba Classic, has been moved to November.
Thursday, November 14 to Sunday, November 17, 2013
This gives it a better, non-competing, weekend, so they are expecting the top-notch players to attend.
Here is the PGA´s website about the Tournament.
The actual Tournament's website was not working at the time of this blog post, but I would expect it to be back up and running soon.
If you are looking for accommodations to attend the tournament, we have LOTS of Private Homes and Condominiums in Puerto Morelos - just 10 minutes from the tournament course!
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Amber Pierce-Schulz is the Broker/Owner of Mayan Riviera Properties, specializing in Puerto Morelos Real Estate and Puerto Morelos Vacation Rentals. We are members of AMPI and Federally Certified Realtors.